A Safe Place for Your Kids
The future of our church and the world are our kids. Teachers at The Ridge strive to plant the seeds of faith and give our young souls pure Bible knowledge in order for them to learn and grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Sunday Mornings
Ridge Kids' Bible Classes
- Infants
- Pre-K
- Kinder through 2nd grade
- 3rd through 5th grades
Ridge Teens' Bible Classes
- Middle and high school Bible study

Wednesday Evenings
During the school year from 6 to 8 p.m., join our Ridge Kids for HUDDLES JR. (ages kinder through 5th grade) and Ridge Teens for HUDDLES (junior high and high school), which are age appropriate Bible studies for guys and girls. The time together includes a free meal.
Activities and Projects
Our Huddle teen groups have monthly special events and devotionals and perform acts of service throughout the year.
Every August, our teens collect backpacks and school supplies for local kids in our community as they prepare for going back to school.
In November, our teens host a church-wide food drive to collect food for Thanksgiving baskets to feed local Abilene families. During the Christmas season, our Huddle teens adopt a family and collect presents to wrap and provide for Christmas.
Teens at The Ridge strive not only to study the word of God, but actively LIVE the word of God by serving and being the light to people in our community.
Follow us on Instagram: ridge_teens and on Facebook: The Ridge Teens